Juka's Organic Co. — empowerment

By Juka's Organic Co. on 2018-08-01

Happy Wellness Wednesday. We often talk about the food we eat for our wellness. But we equally have to talk about our state of mind and the things that get us off balance and fiddle with our well being. When our mind is off balance it tampers with our happiness, our spiritual connection with the universe, our goals and even friends and family. Always take sometime to yourself, if needed to figure out what’s tipping your scale over and work on it. We can never achieve all around perfection in life but finding a way to balance our thoughts and...

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2018-07-20

Happy Friday Everyone! If you had a long week as we did here at Juka’s, Organic, here is a little words of encouragement for you as you end the week. The road to success isn’t always easy, you will have many obstacles and many trying moments. Let these be lessons to learn from and motivations to make you stronger, wiser and better at what you do. Don’t always look at a perfect photo as it never took effort, or trial and error. The difference between those who persevere and those who give up; is looking at the brighter side of...

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2018-07-04

Happy 4th Of July Everyone! Always standby what you believe in. It might not be perfectly thought out initially but as you cultivate what you believe in, new ideas will emerge. Your believes become strengthened, you begin to win the hearts of those who doubted the “impossible” you will realize your believes can be the reality for you and many others. I salute the founding fathers of this great nation. Where the impossible is thought of and the possibilities of dreams are often given a chance and lived. Yes, they didn’t think through a lot of things perfectly but as...

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2018-06-28

Hope everyone had a great Wellness Wednesday but if not; Remember, the life well worth living is full of ups and downs. In other to fully live, we most experience life as is. Mom always tells me to be concerned if everyday in life is perfect. ️ The bad times makes you appreciate all things great when it happens. So as the saying goes, always know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Without sadness we will never experience happiness. Without failure, success won’t be pleasurable. Your lows give you a sense of hope for better days. Take...

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