What Is Moringa Powder
Moringa Powder
Africa’s Superfood
Moringa powder is extracted from the tropical moringa tree, namely the moringa oleifera species. Although it is now harvested in many parts of the world, it is native and indigenous to Africa. It is now widely used in many parts of the word because of its health benefits. Some of the known health benefits include, high in protein, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin A, magnesium, and fiber. This is the reason why it is known as a superfood. One cup of fresh, chopped moringa leaf is believed to contains two grams of protein, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin A, and magnesium. Compared to kale, moringa powder can have twice the amount of protein, four times more calcium, six times more iron, 1.5 times more fiber. This superfood can be added to smoothies, raw food diet, or even soups.
Juka's Organic moringa powder is nature’s richest sources of antihistamines and anti-inflammatories; Moringa!!! If you're looking to keep your respiratory system in check, then Juka's Organic Moringa Powder is the magic trick.
Did you know that some people have managed their asthma with Moringa alone? Others use it as a complement to drugs or other natural supplements.
Separately from oats, flaxseeds, and almonds, moringa powder is a reliable medicine against high cholesterol. Cholesterol is the chief basis why people experience heart diseases, and eating moringa powder has been identified to confirm significant development against high cholesterol levels. Moringa powder can lower those levels and guard against the hazard of heart disease.
You can Buy Moringa Powder here at Juka's Organic Co.
Protects the Liver
Those who comprise tuberculosis can profit really from moringa powder as it lessens the unhelpful effects of anti-tubercular drugs. The powder accelerates the fix of the liver cells. The leaves have an elevated absorption of polyphenols that guard against oxidative injure to the liver and may even diminish it. They boost the protein levels in the liver.
The liver is the place of blood detoxification, fat metabolism, and for nutrient assimilation, and it can role properly only if the liver enzymes are regular. Moringa powder soothes these liver enzymes.
Gut Health
Moringa protein powder is valuable against digestive disorders. Those who experience from constipation, bloating, gas, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis should insert Moringa powder into their diet.
The powder has antibiotic and antimicrobial properties, which build them an idyllic medication against digestive disorders. Even the elevated quantity of B vitamins in the leaves helps in civilizing
Moringa powder provides an influential punch of nourishment and has an anti-inflammatory character. Their antioxidative properties, collective with their cellular-health defensive properties, build them an original ‘superfood’. They hold back the making of inciting enzymes and inferior sugar levels. Craft a standard fraction of your diet to gather rich health benefits.
Many Ancient Africans used moringa leaves in their daily meals & often cooked this superfood as the southerners cook collard greens in the U.S. It is particularly use in villages that don’t have access or money to buy meat due to it being a high protein plant.
24% Fiber A Very Rich Source of Iron, Vitamin K & E. And A Source of Vitamin A & Calcium.
Super High Plant Protein including All 9 Essential Amino Acids.
High in Antioxidants Which Helps the Body To Fight Inflammation.
Imported From The Wilderness & Its Native, From Africa, Moringa Is Indigenous To Africa.
Many Ancient Africans use this leaf in their daily meals. It is often cooked the leaves as a thick sauce that is served over wheat couscous or over fonio, with no meat or very little meat added. Because of its potent nutrients, it has kept villagers that consume in well nourished.
How to Use Moringa Powder
1. Tip 1 – Consuming Moringa Powder in Tea
- Mix a teaspoon (6 g) of powder into water to make tea.
- Calculate a cup (235 ml) of cold or lukewarm water.
- Stir the powder into the mug until it typically dissolves.
- Place a strainer or cheese cloth over a mug.
- Dispense the tea into the cloth or strainer to strain the fluid into the cup.
- Throw away any powder left in the strainer.
2. Tip 2 – Consuming Moringa Powder in Smoothie
- Blend 1 teaspoon (6 g) of powder into your favorite smoothie.
- A smoothie can aid weaken the prickly radish-like flavor of Moringa powder.
- Add Moringa powder to whichever smoothie.
- Spinach smoothies work especially well with Moringa powder's earthy tang.
3. Tip – 3 Sprinkle Moringa Powder over Salad and Other Raw Food
- You can add the best moringa powder to food, but evade cooking it.
- Heat can wipe out countless of its valuable nutrients.
- Add it to uncooked foods, like salad, hummus, peanut butter, and yogurt.
- You can also blend it into foods that have already been cooked and cooled, such as oatmeal.
Juka’s Organic Moringa Powder is Ethically Harvested By Small Scale Women Farmers We Have Partnered With In Villages Of Africa. Visit us at www.jukasorganic.com to buy it and start your Moringa journey.