Juka’s Organic Red Palm Oil Lavender Soaps Are Back In Stock. Use Coupon Code; 10FORALLITEMS For 10% Off All Items (Copy & Paste) Offer Ends 4/23/2019 To buy, visit jukasorganic.com 100% Handmade - All Natural Oils - Filled With Nature’s Anti-Oxidants (Red Palm Oil). This red palm oil Lavender blend, anti- aging & hydrating soap will keep your skin, blemish-free, firm, moist, pearly smooth and youthful. Continual use over time will result in softer & healthier skin. ; : Made With With Juka’s Organic Extra Virgin, Red Palm Oil & Other Food Graded Oils. Chemicals & Fragrance Free! : Ancient...
Happy International Women’s Day! Celebrating all women in every walk of life, in every household around the globe! You all make this world more compassionate, brighter and softer. I salute the women we work with at Juka’s Organic, love my mother to death and I’m inspired by my sisters and appreciate all my women friends! Each one of you! You know who you are #internationalwomensday : : : : : : : : : : : #women #empowerment #motivation #healthy #WD2019 #businesswomen #environment #globalenterprise #Africa #philanthropist #susteainable #travel #deforestation #wildlife #inspire #entrepreneurs #blackwomenrock #blackbusiness #blackbusinessowner #foodie #conscious #instafab #instacool #instagood...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Natural Foods & Beauty Care (@jukasorganic) Happy Friday Everyone! Thank you @nathan.harris_ for the interview & shearing this message. &BTW important question! What’s your contribution to stopping global warming? We can all do the little we can and be environmentally conscious. This is one way, buy products that are indigenous from the land that offers it. When people ask Juka’s Organic is your red palm oil sustainable? The answer is always YES, 100%! We bring all of our products from remote villages in Africa, where all the products we offer are...
So honored to be one of the speakers at an event put together by LA County’s DCFS-Resource Family Support & Permanency Division (RFSPD). They did an amazing job bringing all these wonderful foster mothers in Los Angeles County to celebrate and appreciate them.
Thankful for the opportunity and honored.
Juka Ceesay ~Juka’s Organic Co. www.jukasorganic.com