Happy 4th Of July Everyone! Always standby what you believe in. It might not be perfectly thought out initially but as you cultivate what you believe in, new ideas will emerge. Your believes become strengthened, you begin to win the hearts of those who doubted the “impossible” you will realize your believes can be the reality for you and many others. I salute the founding fathers of this great nation. Where the impossible is thought of and the possibilities of dreams are often given a chance and lived. Yes, they didn’t think through a lot of things perfectly but as...
Hope everyone had a great Wellness Wednesday but if not; Remember, the life well worth living is full of ups and downs. In other to fully live, we most experience life as is. Mom always tells me to be concerned if everyday in life is perfect. ️ The bad times makes you appreciate all things great when it happens. So as the saying goes, always know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Without sadness we will never experience happiness. Without failure, success won’t be pleasurable. Your lows give you a sense of hope for better days. Take...
When your strength comes from an infinite source, it is limitless. We all deal with obstacles in life but the difference in the pain lies in the ability to tap into the ultimate strength. The one that comes from within, so fierce that it’s infinite. It walks with you. It speaks to you. It gives your courage and it tells you keep on going, It shall all be well. Don’t doubt yourself because you have done it before and you can do it again. Just try one more time, give it all you got and I will see you smiling...
More from our interview with Sheen Magazine “Juka Organics is known for it’s Red Palm Oil products. Do you mind telling us about that and exactly what you offer? Our company is best known for our unrefined Red Palm Oil due to the sustainable practices that preserve the wildlife in Africa… It is very crucial for consumers to know where they source their Red Palm Oil. Red Palm is an indigenous fruit tree to Africa, therefore, every three to four months the fruits are safely and ethically harvested from the palm trees that have naturally been there for centuries. each...