It’s Thusday Health Talk. What makes MCTs a top source of essential healthy fats? Medium-chain fats are digested easily and sent directly to your liver, where they have the ability to positively alter your metabolism. This is one reason why MCTs are burned by the body for energy, or “fuel,” instead of being stored as fat. Antioxidants -The human body naturally produces free radicals and the antioxidants to counteract their damaging effects. However, sometimes free radicals far outnumber the naturally occurring antioxidants. In order to maintain the balance, a supply of external sources of antioxidants is necessary in order to...
Happy Saturday! May you have a strong coffee and a colorful day. May all your worries wash away and your courage carry you through. May your vision stay clear and your mission be accomplished. From
Good morning and happy Sunday to you all! My favorite thing to do on weekends, wake up with jazz music candles, and a quite morning with fresh Santa Monica beach breeze coming through the windows. This is when I take the time to be grateful about life. Create the life you want. Create tranquility and peaceful energy within and around you. Be positive and enjoy now when you can. Mental and emotional growth comes to those that can simply exist. Be peaceful within and see the joy that no one can take away from you. I wish you all great...