Fonio Is An African Wholegrain That Everyone Should Truly Look Into Adding To Your Diet. But first let’s talk about few things to change to stay healthy & boost your immune system. Do you still eat RICE ? White Bread 🥖? Pasta ? Sugar? These are few things you can cut down and the rest will be effortless. We know you are saying “then what can I eat?” Simply substitute white with wheat . Fonio is one of our favorites, quinoa, or wheat couscous are also great substitutes. Use honey instead of the sugar. Wholegrain bread instead of white. Once...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Natural Foods & Beauty Care (@jukasorganic) Juka’s Organic Co., Products (red palm oil, cold pressed coconut oil & more ) Available In More Stores In New York To Cover Our Customers Demand. Check out our store locator and find our partners nearest to you. Remember, Healthy Food & Natural Beauty Products Are Fashion To Us, One Cannot Go Without The Other. Also, Support African Women Farmers While Staying Healthy. “Africa’s Purest To Your Doorstep” Store Location: 16th street & 3rd. Ave @ Natural Green Market : Happy Wellness Wednesday. Stay Healthy... wants to know what is your favorite morning vitamin to take? Ours is red palm oil capsules. These capsules will give you that intense energy for a pre-workout. Or you can take it just to have your levels of vitamin E & A on track. Red palm oil is underrated, only if you knew the health benefits, you would stack some in your kitchen pantry. Red palm oil is a healing medicinal oil that has been used in ancient cooking in Africa for centuries. It offers lots of vitamin E & A and ample antioxidant for the body. :...
Do you know that red palm oil can stop the feather shedding of parrots 🦜? Well now imagine what it can do for your own body. Recently, a customer wrote this review about Juka’s red palm oil on amazon “ Recommended by veterinary doctor for my parrots as vitamin A supplement. However I’ve decided to use this product in my cooking. Add a spoonful of this oil to rice to dye it orange, or add to pancake batter or cookie dough; or mix with olive oil when frying vegetables or meat.” The amount of vitamin A & E in red...