Fonio Is An African Wholegrain That Everyone Should Truly Look Into Adding To Your Diet. But first let’s talk about few things to change to stay healthy & boost your immune system.
Do you still eat RICE ? White Bread 🥖? Pasta ? Sugar? These are few things you can cut down and the rest will be effortless. We know you are saying “then what can I eat?” Simply substitute white with wheat . Fonio is one of our favorites, quinoa, or wheat couscous are also great substitutes. Use honey instead of the sugar. Wholegrain bread instead of white. Once you start adding these items to your grocery list, it becomes easier by the month. :
Let’s talk FONIO quickly. We truly thought we would have to do lots of marketing since this was a new item for us. WE ARE INDEED VERY SURPRISED ! So many People know about this grain and can’t seem to have enough of it. This is a pleasant surprise not because we sell a lot of it but because it tells us few things. 1. More consumers are health conscious and are taking maters in their own hands to research about foods that are great for them. 2. African foods are being welcomed and embraced by mainstream and we love that. Fonio is an African superfood that is one of the most nutritious of all grains. It’s so full of protein & even has amino acids that other grains don’t, making it a much more complete protein source.
Fonio is also known to be rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese. It’s also very high in fiber and has a low glycemic index.
Juka’s Organic Fonio Is Great Substitute For Vegan Protein. It Also Has Very Low Glycemic Index Which Makes It A Great Substitute For Rice Or Any Grains For Diabetic Diet.Traditionally in Africa, many people that suffer from diabetes eat fonio instead of rice as a healthier substitute
To buy fonio or read more about this superfood? Visit Jukasorganic.com or click on the bio above. :
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