Juka's Organic Co. — fitmom

By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-11-15

Wishing you a blessed Wednesday with full of sunny smiles and happy thoughts!The foods we eat promotes our wellbeing, not just on a cellular level, but on a whole life level – how we feel, how much energy we have, how strong we are, how capable we can be. You will never see the results you desire if you are always staying in your comfort zone. Health is an outfit that looks different on everybody. Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. You are strong and beautiful. Thus, don’t let...

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-11-13

Finally Monday is here! Be happy; be blessed!Monday morning mantra from us to you: successful people do daily what others do occasionally. Why aren’t we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams? Dedication, responsibility, education, attitude and motivation – together they form a successful dream. Don’t chase people; be an example yourself. Attract others, work hard and be yourself. The people who belong in your life will come find you and stay. Success is something earned something worthwhile. It comes only to those who are dedicated and committed to their goals. It doesn’t just come and find...

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-11-11

Last Night’s Late Night Thoughts . . . The things that inspire me keeps me going, gives me courage, enlighten my curiosity but most importantly keeps me centered and grounded. I️ hope the little things you come across today and the rest of your life can do the same for you and more. Always remember to LIVE life as we never know when we will leave it behind. Goodnight beautiful people.

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-11-10

Make today AWESOME, because it’s Friday!!! You change nothing and nothing will change for you. Devote your every single day to love yourself more. Adopt positive thinking, better habits and clean eating. Someone wise said you can’t control everything in your life, but you can control what put in your body. Remember, just like one bad meal won’t make you fat or one good meal won’t make you healthy either. STOP letting your food to be your BOSS. Make a fresh start and fuel your body with the healthiest nutrients. Eating well is a form of self respect. Quitting bad...

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