Both regular and extra virgin olive oils are obtained from the fruit of the olive tree, but the way they are extracted is what makes them different. Regular olive oil is refined before it is bottled and is treated with some additives and preservatives, which are yellow in color. Whereas extra virgin olive oil is the purest form of olive oil, which retains its golden-green hue of the olive and is not subjected to any industrial processes and additives. Extra virgin olive oil is the first juice of the olive fruit extracted through the cold-pressing process, which is only filtered and then bottled as it is. This is the reason extra virgin olive oil has a stronger flavor and aroma than regular olive oil.
Juka’s Organic offers extra virgin olive oil that is highly nutritious and filled with antioxidants and beneficial fatty acids. It contains a potent amount of Vitamin E and K and is accredited with antibacterial properties that can effectively kill harmful bacteria within our bodies. Our olive oil is cold-pressed, unprocessed, extra virgin, organic, and 100% purest form of olive fruit.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Vs Regular Olive Oil:
Here we have mentioned different properties that will help in differentiating extra virgin olive oil from regular olive oil.
- The Color:
Extra virgin olive oil has a wide variety of tones ranging from brown to yellow to green. The color only is not a decisive factor that will help you pick out extra virgin olive oil from other regular olive oils, as the color also depends upon the conditions and the methods used for extraction.
- The Aroma:
Experts use the sense of smell to detect different aspects of extra virgin olive oil. They can detect some “positive notes” such as aromatic plants and “negative notes” such as a rancid taste. If you smell any of the negative notes coming from olive oil, it might not be labeled as extra virgin and might have to be taken away for the refining process. As soon as the experts put the olive oil in their mouths for tasting, they can smell and detect the positive and negative notes.
- The Time of Picking:
The oil that is produced from olives picked in October and November is usually higher quality than from the olives picked in December and January. During October and November, it is called the “early harvest”, where the olives are of much greater quality, and a great majority of extra virgin olive oil is produced from this early harvest. Late harvest of olives i.e. olives harvested in December and January are usually used for producing the regular refined olive oil.
Juka’s Organic has partnered up with women farmers from the villages of Africa, who use the traditional method of olive extraction. If you want to buy the purest form of extra virgin olive oil, follow this link: https://jukasorganic.com/products/olive-oil-25oz-coming-soon