Its weekend & It’s summer time, the sun is blazing but we know you are out and about enjoying yourselves! Have lots of fun but don’t forget to take care of that beautiful skin of yours. Keep it youthful and radiant by applying some natural raw shea butter before bedtime. And no we are not taking about just any shea butter you buy off the market. Get the authentic stuff and make sure it’s not refined and processed.
By the way, did you also know shea butter can help reverse sunburn within 24 hours? Yes, and it works for all skin types, even if you have eczema or sensitive skin. Shea butter has lots of vitamin E and other therapeutic properties to help protect your skin from aging fast. Our favorite way to actually use shea butter here at Juka’s Organic is, under the eyes. Prevent wrinkles and fine lines under your eyes by applying Juka’s raw shea butter at night. Massage it on damp skin right after washing your face. We also love this shea as an all over body butter particularly on feet and hands.
For more information on why shea butter works so well or to buy a jar and try it, visit Jukasorganic.com or click on bio above.
Enjoy your day and protect that skin with sun block and nourish it at night with our #Sheabutter