Everyone knows different grades of olive oil, how they are made, what they are used for, etc. Organic olive oil is an essential ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine and is considered one of the healthiest oil ever produced. Not only can you use it for baking, frying, roasting, sautéing, or dressing, but it’s also packed with antioxidants and heart-healthy fats. Research suggests that consuming extra virgin organic olive oil could protect our bodies against heart disease, combat cancer, and alleviate inflammation. While sometimes organic olive oil seems very straightforward, here are some basic facts about this oil that you should know:
- It is Basically Olive Fruit Juice:
The making process of organic extra virgin olive oil is very simple. To make this oil, olives are simply ground into a paste which is pressed to extract the liquid from the olives. One part of that liquid is water and the other part is oil, which is then separated. The olive oil provided by Juka’s Organic is pure and organic that doesn’t undergo any further refining or processing to retain its nutrients. As olives are technically a fruit and the oil is freshly squeezed, olive oil is basically fruit juice.
- Flavor Directly Relates to Antioxidant Content:
Have you ever tasted olive oil that was especially olive-y in flavor? Then there is a good chance it was extra virgin organic olive oil. As with many ingredients in the culinary world, olive oils retain more flavor when unprocessed, just like we do. Another benefit of processing is the retention of antioxidants. Along with being extremely healthy, antioxidants add a distinctive bitterness to olive oil, which can help in distinguishing between higher-quality oils.
- Olive Oil Can Extend the Shelf Life of Baked Goods:
Have you ever baked a large batch of muffins, cookies, or bread only to find that majority of them have gone bad before you eat it? As it turns out, simply by replacing butter or margarine with organic olive oil in your baking recipes, you can dramatically increase the shelf life of your baked goods. Olive oil consists high amount of vitamin E that helps to preserve freshness so you can enjoy your tasty cookies or muffins long after they’ve come out of the oven. However, because olive oil has a strong taste than butter, we recommend using just the right amount.
Buy the Best Quality Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil:
Juka’s Organic has women farmer partners in the villages of Africa who use traditional methods to bring you unprocessed and pure extra virgin organic olive oil. Our low-acidity olive oil is high in polyphenols, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and many other important nutrients that offer a wide range of health benefits. To buy the best quality organic olive oil, click on this link: https://jukasorganic.com/products/buy-extra-virgin-olive-oil-16oz