Juka's Organic Co. — womenrock

By Juka's Organic Co. on 2018-10-19

Thank you PHP for the invite at your Pink Party Event. Great cause for the Fight Against #breastcancer benefiting the Susan G Kamen Foundation. 1 is a start but together we can make a difference in any cause we stand for. ~ Juka Ceesay ~Founder Of Juka’s Organic Co. Goodnight everyone sending you positive energy and don’t forget to say your prayers and send love to the world.

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2018-03-02

March is a great month because we get to celebrate many amazing women that have changed the political and social arena of today’s world. We humbly celebrate our own Juka Ceesay, the founder Of Juka’s Organic Co. This phenomenal woman has touched many lives in her native country Gambia. Not only does she work with women in Africa by partnering with them to create Juka’s Organic Products. She was also part of a movement that helped bring change in The Gambia to end dictatorship. Juka was very instrumental in many ways. She volunteered her time with the leading radio that...

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-07-25

Wishing You A Productive Tuesday From NYC! Remember, a lack of believe in yourself will limit you no matter how great the ideas or opportunities you are exposed to. The biggest difference between successful people and unsuccessful people (in health, business career or in life) isn’t intelligence or opportunity or resources, It’s the BELIEVE that they can make their goals happen. We all deal with vulnerability, uncertainty and failure. The key is to trust that if you move forward anyway, then you will figure it out. Do Not Give Up, carry on and a way will yield.

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-07-23

Had so much fun with one of my BFF @Mariam! So proud of all you have become and achieve. Met this girl 14 years ago during our modeling years in NYC. Booked on a J.Z music video, to play Muslim women with hijab (I guess we both have big eyes lol). We both came from Africa and had the same dream, to do bigger and better things. We had no idea what that was. Over the years we have both discovered ourselves, and our true calling, Given Back To Africa. She is the founder of There Is No Limit Foundation...

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