#Monday – A Fresh Start, Embrace It. #Medicine is sickcare, #food is #healthcare. Food has the power to heal us. It is the most potent tool we have to help prevent and treat many of our diseases. Try our Baobab fruit powder also known as Africa’s miracle fruit. It literally will lower your high blood pressure in no time, no kidding this is the African secret that has been kept from you. You don’t have to wait until you are sick to start eating healthy. Eat good food to perfect your immune system while you have the chance. Add the...
Add #RedPalmOil & Other #HealthyFats To Your #Diet To #LoseWeight & #BellyFat!For years, nutritionists and doctors have preached that a low-fat diet is the key to losing weight, managing cholesterol, and preventing health problems. But more than just the amount of fat, it’s the types of fat you eat that really matter. Bad fats increase cholesterol and your risk of certain diseases, while good fats such as red palm oil protect your heart and support overall health. Good Fat is essential to physical and emotional health. Despite what you may have been told, fat isn’t always the bad guy in...