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Happy New Month!! December is finally here. What plans have you put in place to cleanse and rejuvenate as we close the year? We rejuvenate in different ways for the mind, body and soul.
The body rejuvenates through nutrition. A good example of a superfood best known for its...
Today on Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2020 we celebrate the super women who’ve risen above the odds to build their businesses. We’d love to know which power breakfast drives the day for our super women!! For us, baobab smoothies are perfect as we suit up to run the world.
Baobab Fruit Powder is exceptionally nutrient-dense with one of the highest Antioxidant profiles of any fruit on the planet....
Moringa has
numerous essential vitamins and minerals. The leaves have 7 times
extra vitamin C than oranges and 15 times
extra potassium than bananas. It also has calcium, protein,
iron, and amino acids, which assist your body, cure, and make muscle.It’s also
filled with antioxidants, substances that can guard cells against harm and
may improve your immune system. There are some facts that a few of these
antioxidants can also subordinate blood pressure and
diminish fat in the blood and body.
Late night snack. Juka’s Organic yummy BAOBAB FRUIT recipe for you below. But first let’s look at the health benefits.
A little knowledge about Baobab in case you don’t know what it is. Baobab fruit powder is a fruit that is indigenous to Africa. The tree is very different from any other tree and can live to be 3000 years. When the leaves of Baobab shed, the branches almost looks like the roots...