Organic extra virgin coconut oil is derived from the coconuts just like regular coconut oil. The major difference between virgin and regular coconut oil is the method used to extract them. Regular coconut oil is made from the dried kernel of the coconut, which is then refined, bleached, and deodorized to make them ready for use. On the other hand, virgin coconut oil is made from the fresh milk of the coconut and it doesn’t go through any refinement process.
The virgin coconut oil provided by Juka’s Organic has way more antioxidants than regular coconut oil. Our coconut oil is cold-pressed, unprocessed, authentic, and 100% natural. It is high in Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT), Lauric, and Caprylic Acids that help boost metabolism and provide other health benefits. Along with this, our organic extra virgin coconut oil is especially beneficial for our hair, due to the following reasons:
- Prevents Split Ends and Hair Breakage:
Cold-pressed organic extra virgin coconut oil helps in protecting the hair strands against damage from all the products we tend to put in our hair regularly. The heat of the styling products such as curling irons, straightening irons, as well as the heat from the sun can significantly damage our hair. Juka’s Organic’s extra virgin coconut oil forms a layer of protection from all these when it is coated on the hair.
- Helps Against Greying of Hair:
Our hair turns grey for a variety of reasons, including stress, hormones, damage to the hair, or lack of essential nutrients. Massaging the hair with organic extra virgin coconut oil can help transfer the nutrients and the goodness of the oil to the hair. Juka’s Organic’s extra virgin coconut oil also helps improve the blood circulation to the hair, due to which more nutrients are carried to the hair. This causes our hair to be more glossy, bouncy, and healthy.
- Moisturizes the Hair and Scalp:
Cold-pressed organic extra virgin coconut oil helps the hair regain the moisture that it usually loses during the dry and cold seasons. You can apply some of the oil (slightly warmed, if you can) to your hair and scalp while your hair is damp after a shower. The coconut oil works wonders on the dry and rough skin of the scalp during dry times and conditions the hair nicely.
- Prevents Dandruff:
Due to the dryness of the scalp, white flaky layers start to form over it, this is called dandruff. Dandruff can cause itchiness along with a horrible sight of the scalp. Cold-pressed organic extra virgin coconut oil contains fatty acids along with Vitamin E and K that help fight dandruff. It nourishes the scalp and brings it back to a state where there is no dryness or dandruff.
Juka’s Organic Co. has partnered up with small-scale women farmers from the villages of Africa to bring you the best quality organic extra virgin coconut oil. If you want to buy some, visit our official website https://jukasorganic.com/ .