We all know the dismaying feeling of suffering from digestive issues and stomach problems. It’s annoying and frustrating, and you spend a lot of time figuring out what you ate that made your tummy upset. Sometimes, more often than not, you just end up discarding more and more food out of your diet. This can create a whole of different other problems as you will be missing out on essential nutrients.
The Root Cause of Digestive Issues: Vitamin Deficiencies:
Millions of people worldwide suffer from digestive issues every single day. But what are the main reasons for digestive issues? While there is no one answer to this, for many adults, it is simply due to the lack of proper nutrients in their daily meals. When you eat foods that lack essential nutrients, it makes you feel slow, tired, and bloated.
Essential Vitamins for Digestion:
Some of the most important vitamins such as vitamin B2 and Thiamine can help the body convert carbohydrates in the food into energy. This is very much necessary for cell regeneration and degeneration. They also play an important role in regulating the appetite, which also affects overall digestion.
Vitamin B3 and Niacin also play an important part in digestive tract functions. These vitamins help break down the carbohydrates and fats in the meals and snacks you eat. Along with that, Pyridoxine helps the digestive system process all the proteins that you get from the food you eat. Also, we can’t forget about the complex B vitamins either. These vitamins help in improving digestion by regulating the appetite, metabolism, and other bodily processes that rely on normal digestion.
Digestion starts from the mouth only. So keeping your mouth and gums healthy is very essential. For strong teeth and gums, it is necessary to intake vitamin C, D, and Calcium.
Moringa Powder: The One Stop Shop for Digestive Health
So how does moringa help with digestive issues? Moringa powder, made from the dried leaves of the moringa tree, has almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals required for healthy digestion. It is packed with vitamins A, C, & D, and several B-vitamins as well. It also has over 40 anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce bloating, gas, and constipation. Other antioxidant compounds found in moringa powder can help the body produce good bacteria and eliminate the bad ones so that body can maximize its nutrient absorption.
Juka’s Organic has women farmer partners from the villages of Africa who use traditional methods to derive moringa powder. It is unrefined, unprocessed, and has no additives. You can add our moringa powder into your daily foods such as tea, smoothies, soups, yogurt, oatmeal, breakfast cereal, etc. to help solve your digestive ailments. It will provide a warm, calming sensation, and rescue you from your digestive problems. If you want to buy the best quality Moringa Powder, follow this link: https://jukasorganic.com/products/buy-moringa-powder