The innocence in the eyes I see and the soulfulness in the hearts I meet, inspire me to be & do better.
Hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday. Always remember the reason why you started your journey in the first place. If you are lacking courage to fudge ahead, just tap into that place. This might just be your biggest awakening you need to continue. There is no other way but to continue pushing through the difficulties. Remember those who give up never have the gift of seeing things through.
Juka Ceesay~ Founder of Juka’s Organic Co.
Didn’t know these people from Adam and Eve but we stopped by for a bathroom break in their village and they were so kind to open their doors for us. They even offered us to eat some rice. It was very humbling to see that the little rice with very little sauce they had, they were willing to share with strangers. I thank them, took a photo with them, shared some laughs and of curse returned the favor. Beautiful people indeed