To the woman that I look up to, the woman that made me who I am, the women that continue to inspire me and my siblings to be better, I thank you and love you so much! This is my mother, the reason why our products are now sold at Wal-Mart .
We had an awesome first day at Wal-Mart for our Products launch event! Outstanding & supportive friends @layllen @missmofor and family! Amazing and friendly customers, helpful staff, great guests, dedicated team from our company and my unbelievable PR (@celebswork )! What more can we ask for! Sold out of the coconut oil, red palm Oil Sauce was the talk of the day and the red palm oil exceeded expectations, almost sold out too!
Stay tune for our next demo, for great food, and awesome product giveaways! S/O to the camera guy and DJ & chef for holding this event down! I’m forever thankful to you all
And Of course a big thanks to Walmart and everyone that made this event a success! We are indeed grateful