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The entertainment industry can be very dark a lot of times. If you have a daughter or a son that wants to be in it, please have the talk with them. They can follow their dreams but they have to look out all the time. Teach them to not feel like they have to do anything to get ahead.
Just my though on the #harveyweinstein saga
Beautiful Thusday Everyone & Remember how you start your morning maters. What’s your morning ritual or do you not have one at all? . Rise and shine! Start early with a positive mind. Take the time to meditate & pray every morning, make it ritual. Ask the universe to give you positive encounters throughout your day so you can stay on your mission. Ask the higher power to give you the strength, courage & calmness to deal with calamity as It is only a huddle that one faces at times before getting to their highest mission in life. May peace...
Rise and shine, start your day with a great outlook! Be positive and Remember, every creation was a thought before it manifested to reality so keep your thoughts happy and positive even when your are going through hard times. Stay positive and allow yourself to see beautiful things unfold in front of you. May you achieve success in whatever you do today! May you be the symbol of strength and grace that won’t bend to any obstructions. Now keep shining and go get what’s yours.