Wohoo To all our customers in Australia, you can now buy Juka’s Red Palm Oil Capsules from Health & Eternity and save on shipping fees. Health & Eternity has been in the health care industry since 1986 practicing a unique brand of Ayurvedic herbal medicine, Kinesiology (Muscle testing), Naturopathic Nutrition, Remedial.
Details Below;
Health And Eternity
12 Saxon Rd, Drouin,
Victoria, Australia 3818
+61 1300 742 583 B/H
The benefits of red palm oil to the body are enormous. With maximum antioxidants and all the families of the vitamins E, red palm oil has direct healing properties to the cells. Red Pam has the highest level of antioxidants out of all fruit plans. Just to list one, it has 17 times carotenoid than carrots, giving it the rich red color that stains everything it touches. So to avoid all of the stains and messy cooking, it is made into liquid jell capsules and easier to consume daily. Take two to three red palm capsules a day for better energy, great skin and hair and anti-aging because of the potent vitamins E present in the oil. For more on red palm oil click on the link above or visit us at www.jukasorganic.com
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