Wohoo It’s Friday & Our Red Palm Oil Soaps Are Back In Stock! If you always wanted to buy red palm oil soaps, Juka’s Organic Co, has you covered. You can now now place your orders for the magical red palm oil soaps. Made with all natural food graded oils.
Juka’s All Natural Organic, Red Palm Lavender Soaps never fails us. Once you try this soap, you will never use another soap on your beautiful and delicate face again. Well the proof is in the pudding, look at Juka’s Skin, Radiant.
Our red palm oil soaps are filled with nature’s anti-oxidants to promote anti-aging and hydrating properties to keep your skin blemish-free, moist, firm, pearly smooth and youthful. Continuous use of this epic red palm soaps over time will result in softer and healthier skin. We say red palm oil is Africa’s secret to cure all skin problems. Did you know that most of our customers buy this red palm oil soap for eczema, acne, psoriasis, boils, dry skin and dermatitis? Well now you know ;)
Find more great benefits of red palm oil at jukasorganic.com
Oops did we not mentioned SHEA BUTTER too, that is another story and we are not story tellers lol. Call an African friend to give you the T about SHEA BUTTER and you will be running to the store for it, or just click above on our bio. You can also visit www.jukasorganic.com to buy red palm oil soaps and a jar of shea butter to keep that skin and face radiant.