Happy weekend everyone! It’s been long days and long weeks for us here at Juka’s Organic Co., Lots of hard work but staying grounded and thankful.
S/O to “She Leeds Africa” For Featuring Us This Month. I am always humbled to share the story of our company with great platforms like “She Leads Africa”.
Scroll Left For More & Snippets Of The Interview, Or Visit SheLeadsAfrica.org For Full Interview.
“Tips for aspiring female entrepreneurs coming to tackle the U.S market…
Find something you’re are passionate about, believe, and know that it takes a process. Don’t just do something for the drive of money. There will be times you might need something else to motivate you in the right direction and that the money might not be there right away. The only way to sustain that mission will be the passion you have for what you are doing.
Do your homework. This will help you balance the passion to know that there is indeed consumer base for what you are passionate about. You also don’t want to do things just because you are passionate about it. Make sure not to get in a market base that is already saturated, and harder to penetrate as a startup.
My Inspiration to create Juka’s Organic…
I owned and managed an African food market in Inglewood, California. Also, we offered many of our products in the store amongst which we sold red palm oil. Most of our products were imported from the villages, including the red palm oil, hence the quality was superior to many brands in the market.
People were really amazed by the authenticity of the oil and the consistency. This is around the same time Dr. Oz talked about the importance of adding red palm oil to your diet. But also, he has talked about many tips on his show that included products that were indigenous to Africa.
It all came full circle, I always wanted to bring Africa to mainstream to contribute to its Economy. This is when the magic started unfolding, I soon made the decision to cynosure my attention to importing natural food and beauty products from Africa, harvested by women farmers.”
To learn more about our company or to buy red palm oil, shea butter, Baobab powder or some of the natural products we carry, visit us at www.jukasorganic.com