To the man that thought me how to love, how to give, be the best that’s created, aspire and do things larger than life, I love you with every part of my heart.
Your work ethics, kindness and the heart you have for humanity is what guides me today. As a child you gave us everything we needed and you also gave everyone around you what they needed. You sheltered your own and others. Up to this day, I still remember you taking us to the orphanage “SOS” every holiday to spend with those precious kids. These moments left a precious mark in my heart to always give and humble myself. I thank you for teaching us not only by words but by the life you live. I love you endlessly and I pray to God to continue to protect you to live on many years to come. You truly are my inspiration, hero and love!
I hope and pray that every little girl experiences such a wonderful father because it truly can shape who we are as adults.
Call me cry baby @cynatabonita but, yes tears just rolled down my eyes expressing how I feel about him.