Monday wishes and blessings from us to you
Feeling healthy and good about you is not a luxury; instead, it’s an absolute necessity. Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection. Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is; rather than, as you think it should be. So, get up early; do some yoga. Inhale love and exhale hate – it’s the Monday morning necessity to set you up for a joy-filled week. Yoga is not about touching your toes; it’s about what you learn on the way down. Remember, all problems are illusions of the mind. The willingness to show up changes us and makes us a little braver each time. Pieces of equipment you need for doing yoga accurately are your body and your mind. The more you improve yourself and raise your vibration, the more you will see things that are beneficial to your well-being. Trust me your body can do anything; it’s your brain you have to convince. You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible and you’ll be successful.