#Repost @pureindianfoods (@get_repost)
Hawk Day Sprouted Popcorn Kids went out on the land all day today, and I thought this nutrient dense sprouted popcorn @sproutedflour was just the perfect compliment to their lunches today. Packed with a nutritional Cooked in the best ‼️ Red Palm oil, sustainably harvested from my friend Juka’s family in Gambia @jukasorganic as well as the best ‼️#coconutghee from my friend Sandeep @pureindianfoods and sprinkled with the best‼️kelp seasoning straight from the oceans of Maine, for added minerals, from my friend Linda @drlindas and Himalayan sea salt and of course drizzled with the best‼️lightly melted raw butter from my good friend Mark and his crew @organicpasturesdairy So glad to be surrounded by such amazing friends doing such powerful things with nutrient dense foods - from the bottom of my ️ thank you all for supporting the community @manzanitaedu We appreciate you all so much‼️: @liveyumyum
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