#Redpalmoil just like #CoconutOil is a #healing #oil that must be consumed by everyone that is #health #conscious and #loves to try other alternative oils to coconut, almond or even avocado oil. One of the benefits that red palm fruit oil has over all other oils is the amount of natural antioxidant it offers. This oil is very high in carotenoid and by far the highest you can find in any other fruit from mother nature. Naturally filled with, Vitamin E and A Judging just by the color, not orange but a very deep red that can stain everything more than any type of berries, is annoyingly a welcoming news.Vitamin E is a complex of many constituents broken into two groups: tocopherols and tocotrienols and red palm offers it all. Although it is very difficult to acquire pure, unrefined and sustainable red palm oil, thanks to your support and the hard work of African women farmers, we have made it easier for everyone in the west to have easy access to this miracle oil. Juka’s Organic is proud to partner up with Walmart to supply our red palm oil, Shea butter, baobab fruit powder and all other unique, healthy and SUSTAINABLE products from Africa. For more information on this ancient healing oil, please visit us at www.jukasorganic.com.
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