How do you release your stress? 1.Gym & Exercise 2.Yoga & Mediation 3.Talk To Friends, Love Ones Or Write 4.Eat Your Heart Our 4.Do Nothing 5.Party Life Away 6.Shop Until You Drop
If your answer is 1,2 & 3, you are on the right part. If your answer is 1 & 2, we hope to learn from you. When your stress level is high whether from work, family, business, finance, or just the fast moving parts of life, try to snatch yourself away to take care of “you” first. If you realize all the problems listed, are external forces but the denominator is “you” so in other to deal with anything external methodologically, the “self” must be at peace, emotionally and mentally stable to tackle all things. Do not underestimate the power of meditation & physical activities! On this note, I’m off to the #Gym. #motivation #inspiration #healthychoices #meditation #cleanliving #beauty #faboulous for #models #fitmom #teenagers #women #fitmodel #actors #blemishfree #antiaging #wrinklesfree #bikinifitness #gymlife #gym #yoga #yogi #exercise #fitness #healthy #lifestyle Jukasorganic.com http://ift.tt/2d7gQLd