Did you know that #SheaButter can turn #Sunburn around in 24 hrs? It has #AntiAging, Vitamin E. This is a natural #skincare cream that everyone should have.
A friend walked in the house after spending all day at the beach in Santa Monica, although she put a lot of sunscreen on her body but the back of her neck was exposed to the Southern California sun. The sunburn was very severe I had to run and just find anything from my beauty cabinet, the perfect choice was the raw Shea butter. This amazing african butter was massaged gently on the affected areas of the neck, let to rest overnight. This is thus far the fastest and most effective natural sunburn remedy for the skin. Authentic Shea Butter has the ability to soothe, hydrate and balance the skin. It is also used as a moisturizer for dry skin and eczema, as a dry scalp treatment, for chapped lips and to help soften cracked dry skin on heels, elbows and knees. It is important, according to the American Shea Butter Institute, to make sure unrefined and raw Shea Butter is used. Raw Shea Butter maintains its therapeutic qualities and will keep your skin moist and supple, whereas refined, processed Shea Butter loses almost all of its healing properties. Dr. Robyn Tisdale Scott, a clinical pharmacist, concurs with the American Shea Butter Institute, supporting the claim that unrefined Shea Butter reverses dry skin in about three days. African Shea Butter has natural anti-inflammatory properties that have been known to heal scrapes, cuts and burns; relieve sunburn and rashes; take the sting out of insect bites; and ease the pain from muscle fatigue. Natural Shea Butter has been used for centuries as a wrinkle reducer. Shea Butter contains essential fatty acids, along with vitamins A and E, which are imperative to maintaining your skin’s elasticity and suppleness. Shea Butter was found to have significant anti-aging properties and was proven to help rebuild and rejuvenate collagen. For most of our skin problem needs we must turn to the miracle Shea Butter from the mother land.