#RedPalmOil is rich in #carotenoids #vitaminA good source of #tocopherols natural #vitamin E, #antioxidant & #tocotrienols.
We at Juka’s Organic Co. have joined hands with women from small villages of West Africa to solely supply their hand chosen, unrefined sustainable organic and natural red palm oil. All the women that work with Juka’s use the traditional method for red palm oil extraction, this is the same technique that has been utilized all through little West African villages for a considerable length of time. The best palm oil is the sustainable type that originates from the landmass of West Africa.
Palm trees have been a heritage of African villages and have been there for many centuries, every generation of women produce their palm fruit oil as their source of income and gladly pass it on to Juka Organics. As Juka is against deforestation, she wants to keep the unique identity of Africa by saving the rainforests. Also Juka is giving an opportunity to West African women villagers to earn a livelihood.
Growing up Juka was often sent to the African Sunday markets to buy red palm oil for the house, her mother was always very particular for Juka to always get the most authentic red palm oil not only for the taste but also the health benefits. One of the attributes that she remembered to always looked for was the color of the oil, it had to be a very deep red color and not orange thus making Juka’s Organic red palm oil to be one of the greatest red oils in the market . “There are many other attributes of authentic red palm oil but I will keep that a secret”
It has been also proved scientifically that tocotrienols together with these regular phytonutrients (as a complex) concentrated from natural red palm oil contribute many special medical advantages. One of the regular Organic Red palm oil’s six most medical advantages is heart wellbeing, as the oil keeps up sound blood cholesterol levels and arterial compliance. As a supplement, it has been connected to enhancing liver condition, improving immunity post vaccination.
Unrefined Organic Red palm oil is also very useful for hair and skin. It provides great benefits to health as well as hair and skin. Its prevalent cancer prevention agents shields the skin from UV-light and may ease off the aging process,“ as clarified, noticing that both tocotrienols and blended carotenes show advantages on skin protection.
For more, visit us at jukasorganic.com