Benefits of Liquid Vitamins vs Pills

This formula provides your body with the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients compared to traditional pills. According to research, traditional supplements such as capsules and other pills on the market offer you merely 10% of the vitamins and minerals that they contain in your body. On the contrary, natural liquid vitamins delivers all the nutrients effectively into your body where it is needed the most.
Liquid Extracts Vs. Capsules/Tablets

- The body does not need to break down a liquid vitamin, allowing more medicinal properties to be absorbed into the system. This makes an extract much more powerful than a capsule or tablet.
- When using capsules or tablets, the body must first extract or break down the herb’s medicinal properties to put them in liquid form in the stomach.
- Liquid extracts take 1-4 minutes to assimilate.
- Capsules or tablets (pills) can take 20-30 minutes to break down before the body can even start to assimilate them.
- The body uses 98% of our liquid extracts.
- The body only utilizes approximately 39-53% of capsules or tablets. Guess where the remainder ends up?
For any nutrient to reach the body’s cells, it must first be suspended in a solution. Or, in other words, it must be liquid. As a rule, the nearer a herbal preparation approaches the liquid form, the quicker and more completely it will assimilate and take effect in your body.
Why Take Liquid Extracts Over Capsules or Tablets?
Medical studies have shown that gluten free multivitamins have faster absorption rates, higher optimization rates, and more easily digestible. Liquids may have a big advantage over pills when it comes to swallowing. Most people, especially the elderly and young children, tend to have more difficulty swallowing some pills. Generally, supplements in liquid form are much more readily broken down and absorbed. Additionally, it has been shown that liquids are more completely and quickly absorbed than most capsules and pills.
What Are the Benefits To A Liquid Extract?
One of the primary benefits of using liquid herbal extracts is that they do not require digestion. You don’t need to extract what is medicinal from the plant cellulose before it can be absorbed because it’s already been done for you.
The body does not need to break down a liquid extract, allowing more medicinal properties to be absorbed into the system. This makes liquid extract much more powerful than a capsule or tablet.
Juka’s Organic Co. Liquid Multivitamin - 16 oz Bottle
When using capsules or tablets, the body must first extract or break down the herb’s medicinal properties to put them in liquid form in the stomach.
Liquid multi vitamin can be easier to drink especially if it taste good as Juka’s Organic multivitamin. The problem is, most companies just focus on the benefits and not the taste. Juka’s is palatable making it easier to consume than drinking 5 to 8 pills a day. Also for kids, it’s often safer to have them drink liquid than to try to have them swallow pills daily.
There is no doubt that taking vitamins is crucial to boost one’s health. From helping with anti-aging, increasing energy levels, and enhance a sense of well-being. With these things being said, taking vitamins are a must for everyone. But deciding between liquid or pill vitamins can be confusing. But we hope we have laid out enough information to make it easier for you to decide when buying vitamins.